Thursday 2 November 2017

pros and cons

Hire more journalists to cover a bigger range of events.
A wider range of stories means a wider audience will buy the newspaper
Costs money to pay the journalists to do their jobs

Sack journalists

Less money is spent on paying journalists
Less stories may get published meaning the audience might stop reading

Put up ‘paywall’

People have to pay in order to read the news online therefore money is being made online as well as selling
People might not wan to pay so will just go to a website where the news is free
Make journalists tweet more.

keeps people in social media up to date 
Journalists are not able to do their jobs as they are spending a lot of time tweeting
Make journalists write about celebrities more.
Gets a younger audience to start reading the newspaper 
People who are not interested may stop reading 

Increase cost of paper

the higher the cost the more money the company gets
people might buy a cheaper news paper with similar stories 
Ask readers to write more stories (for free)

Don't have to pay journalists to write stories 
will have no stories if no readers decide to write any 
Shut down your paper (go online only)

Save money on printing
limits the audience to people who go online a lot rather than those who don't such as older people
Decrease price of newspaper (or make it free)
could increase the sales meaning they make just as much money or more. Or make money from adverts
if there is no change in the amount of buyers then profits will go down
Put more ‘sponsored content’ online and in your paper.
Get money from the people who the content is sponsored by 
People might get sick of sponsored content and swap to a paper with less.

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