Thursday 21 September 2017

TV advert Textual Analysis

TV Advert Textual Analysis

The Haribo Starmix advert is aimed towards both children and adults as the people in the advert are adults but their voices are children. In the advert there a business men and women at a board meeting but instead of talking about the things we would expect they talk about why they enjoy Haribo starmix.  The fact that all the adults have children's voices suggests to us Haribo are trying to say that Starmix is for everyone no matter if they're a child or adult. 

In the advert they start off  with a long shot to show all the people at the meeting. This hot suggests they are going to have a professional meeting however it them zooms in to the first woman who talks about the product. There is then a series of close up shots on each person who speaks so that we can see their emotion and how they feel about Haribo Starmix which was excited and happy.  Shot reverse shot was used near the beginning in editing to highlight different people's initial reaction to the product. There was no music during the advert until the end, this helps us pay to the voices and what's being said rather than getting distracted by music. The mise en scene is people dressed up in smart outfits (e.g. suits) around a table in an office as if they are about to have a meeting before one of them pulls out a bag of Haribo Starmix . The fact that all the adults are dressed smart suggests that Haribo Starmix are for everyone no matter who they are and that it brings out the child in everyone.

The slogan for Haribo is "Kids and grown-ups love it so – the happy world of Haribo." which further explains that Haribo is meant for everyone not just children. The advert also uses humour to help pursued people to buy the product. This is done by using the children's voices over the adults as it is instantly seen as strange and funny that professional adults would be saying the things the kids do and have them voices.   

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