Sunday 25 February 2018

Cross-platform gaming

Give a definition of cross-platform gaming
Cross-platform gaming is when a game is available to play on more than one device rather than different versions of a game. For example, the same version of Minecraft being available on PC, Xbox, iOS, Android, and Nintendo switch.
Why is Microsoft’s “Better Together” update so exciting for the gaming world?
This update is so exciting for the gaming world because it means many people can play the same game from different devices. So therefore, friends will be able to play the same game but in different locations with different devices.
Why might there be concerns over online child protection?
There may be concerns over online child protection as children who play the game will be given the opportunity to interact with strangers which could potentially be dangerous. This is one of the reasons Sony are not allowing cross platform gaming on their PlayStation.
What is the future for cross-platform gaming, in your opinion? What are the pros and cons, for the games developers and the audience?
I think cross-platform gaming will expand in the future to more devices and more games. Some of the pros include game developers getting more money as people will buy the game if they know they can play it with friends who have other devices rather than just the same device. This is also a benefit for the audience as they can play with their friends. A con of cross-platform gaming is that a certain feature may not work as well on one platform as it does another. Another con is that players might migrate to platforms that facilitate for cross-platform gaming. 

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